
Corporate Governance

In order to implement the principles of good corporate management, it is deemed necessary to stipulate the Audit Committee Work Guidelines.
In this work guideline, what is meant by :
  1. Audit Committee is a committee formed by the Board of Commissioners in order to help carry out its duties and functions.
  2. Independent Commissioners are members of the Board of Commissioners who :
    1. Originating from outside the Company.
    2. Do not have shares either directly or indirectly in the Company.
    3. Has no affiliation with the Company, Commissioners, Directors or Major Shareholders of the Company.
    4. Do not have business relations, directly or indirectly, related to the Company's business activities.
    1. Audit Committee members are appointed and dismissed by the Board of Commissioners and reported to the General Meeting of Shareholders.
    2. The Audit Committee reports to the Board of Commissioners.
    3. The Audit Committee consists of at least one Independent Commissioner and at least 2 (two) other members from outside the Company.
    4. Audit Committee members who are Independent Commissioners act as Chair of the Audit Committee. In the event that there are more than one Independent Commissioner who is a member of the Audit Committee, one of them acts as the Chair of the Audit Committee.
    1. Have high integrity, ability, knowledge and adequate experience in accordance with his educational background, and able to communicate well.
    2. One of the members of the Audit Committee has a background in accounting or financial education.
    3. Have enough knowledge to read and understand financial statements.
    4. Have adequate knowledge of the laws and regulations in the field of capital markets and other relevant laws and regulations.
    5. Not working in the Public Accountant Office, Legal Consultant Office or other parties who provide audit services, non-audit services or other consulting services to the Company, within the last 6 (six) months before being appointed by the Board of Commissioners.
    6. Not a person who has the authority and responsibility to plan, lead or control the Company's activities, within the last 6 (six) months before being appointed by the Board of Commissioners, except for Independent Commissioners.
    7. Do not have shares either directly or indirectly in the Company. In the event that a member of the Audit Committee acquires shares due to a legal event, then within a period of 6 (six) months after the acquisition of said shares, it is obliged to transfer to another party.
    8. Do not have:
      1. Family relations due to marriage and descent to the second degree, both horizontally and vertically with the Commissioners, Directors or Major Shareholders of the Company.
      2. Direct and indirect business relationships related to the Company's business activities.
    The Audit Committee has the duty to provide opinions to the Board of Commissioners on reports or matters submitted by the Directors to the Board of Commissioners, identify matters that require the attention of the Board of Commissioners, and carry out other tasks related to the duties of the Board of Commissioners, including :
    1. Reviewing the financial information to be released by the Company such as financial statements, projections and other financial information.
    2. Reviewing the Company's compliance with capital market regulations and other laws and regulations related to the Company's activities.
    3. Reviewing the implementation of audits by internal auditors.
    4. Report to the Board of Commissioners the various risks faced by the Company and the implementation of risk management by the Directors.
    5. Reviewing and reporting to the Board of Commissioners on complaints relating to the Company.
    6. Maintain the confidentiality of Company documents, data and information.
    The Audit Committee has the authority to access records or information about employees, funds, assets and other Company resources relating to the implementation of their duties. In carrying out it's authority, the Audit Committee must cooperate with those who carry out the internal audit function.
    Audit Committee meetings are held routinely every 3 months attended by all members of the Audit Committee, and held on a temporary basis if the Audit Committee feels the need to discuss a problem. Whereas the Audit Committee meetings with the Board of Commissioners are held routinely every 3 months, and can be held temporarily if the Board of Commissioners feels there is something that needs to be discussed regarding the supervision of the Company.

    Each Audit Committee meeting is outlined in the minutes of the meeting signed by all members of the Audit Committee present.
    1. The Audit Committee reports to the Board of Commissioners on each assignment given.
    2. The Audit Committee prepares an annual report on the implementation of the Audit Committee's activities to the Board of Commissioners.
    The term of office of the Audit Committee shall not be longer than the term of the Board of Commissioners as stipulated in the Basic Budget, and may be re-elected for only one (1) term.