
Corporate Governance

Considering the importance of protecting personal data, PT Yulie Sekuritas Indonesia, Tbk (hereinafter referred to as “YULE”) strives to maintain the privacy and security of Customer's personal data.
This page explains the privacy policy which is prepared with the aim of complying with the laws and regulations related to the protection of Personal Data regulated in Law of The Republic Indonesia Number 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection (PDP Law), as well as applicable and relevant laws and regulations for the purpose of ensuring the security of Personal Data.
Please be able to read this privacy policy carefully to ensure that the Customer understands every data processing process provided to Yulie and has been approved to be obtained, collected, stored, managed, and used as stated in the privacy policy and applicable provisions.
  1. Personal Data
    It is data about an individual person that is identified or can be identified separately or combined with other information either directly or indirectly through electronic or non-electronic systems.
  2. Subject of Personal Data
    It is an individual person who has Personal Data attached to him.
  3. Protection of Personal Data
    It is the whole effort to protect Personal Data in the process of Fribadi Data in order to guarantee the constitutional rights of Personal Data subjects.
  4. Personal Data Controller
    It is every person, public body, and international organization that acts individually or jointly in determining the purpose and exercising control over the processing of Personal Data.
  5. Service
    Are any type of services and products including websites, features, Applications, social media, or other forms of communication provided or used by Yulie.
  6. Third Parties
    is any party who has a Business relationship with Yulie including Business partners, vendors, outsourcing companies and/or other parties appointed by Yulie for the purpose of representing Yulie.
  7. Processing of Personal Data
    It is the activity of obtaining, collecting, processing, analyzing, storing, correcting, updating, disseminating, displaying, annotating, transferring, disclosing and deleting Personal Data.
  8. PDP Law
    It is Law of The Republic Indonesia Number 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection and its derivative regulations and all applicable changes.
  9. PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI)
    It is a Depository and Settlement Institution (LPP) in the Indonesian Capital Market that provides central custodial services and the settlement of securities transactions in an orderly, reasonable, and efficient manner, in accordance with the mandate Law of Republic Indonesia Number 8 of 1995 on Capital Market.
  10. Single Investor Identification (SID)
    It is the single number of Indonesian capital market investor identity issued by KSEI.
  11. Securities Sub Account (SRE)
    It is a securities account used to store a portfolio of stocks in the name of the customer that is recorded on KSEI.
  12. Customer Fund Account (RDN)
    It is an account in his personal name opened by Yulie to facilitate transactions in the buying and selling of investment products such as Mutual Funds, Government Securities (SBN), Fixed Rate Bonds (FR), Stable Earn, and Stocks
Personal Data Yulie Needs
Yulie obtains and collects personal data information provided by the Customer in writing through a form or electronically. Yulie may identify Personal Data obtained independently and/or in combination with other information.
The Personal Data that Yulie needs to carry out data processing, includes:
  1. General Personal Data such as Full Name, Name According to Identity Card (KTP), Gender, Place of Birth, Nationality, Marital Status, Birth Mother's Name, Address According to KTP, Domicile Address, Residential Status, Landline Phone, E-mail Address, Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), Last Education, Religion, Occupation, Employment Details.
  2. Specific Personal Data is data that contains Financial data such as Account Number, Securities Number, Source of Income, Monthly/Annual Income Amount, Monthly/Annual Expenditure Amount, Transaction Data, Tax Data, and other Capital Market Service Data received by the Customer.
  3. Processed Data is data obtained from the Customer's data processing process, including, but not limited to, profiling based on service usage activities.
Collection of Personal Data
Yulie may obtain and collect Customer Personal Data through various methods and activities, including:
  1. Forms and agreements include pleas, statements, or proposals.
  2. When the Customer interacts directly with staff or through electronic systems, including but not limited to telephone calls (which may be recorded), the Platform, mail, online chat, fax, and electronic mail.
  3. When the Customer uses Yulie's services provided through the online trading platform.
  4. When Yulie requests the Customer's information in connection with the processing of the Customer's Personal Data.
  5. When the Customer gives consent to Yulie to collect Personal Data from the Customer's electronic device, such as Location information, cookie data .
  6. From other sources in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.
  7. When the Customer sends Personal Data to Yulie for any other reason.
Obligations of Personal Data Subjects
The Customer is responsible and plays an active role in ensuring the accuracy of the Personal Data provided by the Customer. The Customer is obliged to inform and request Yulie to correct, complete, and/or update the Personal Data.
Purpose of Processing Personal Data
Yulie as the Personal Data Controller may carry out processing to:
  1. Registration for opening a securities account;
  2. SID Making; SRE;
  3. Customer Fund Account Opening (RDN)
  4. Securities purchase and sale transaction services listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which include, but are not limited to stocks, corporate debt securities, government securities (SBN), government bonds, fixed rate (FR) and others.
The processing of Personal Data by the Controller of Personal Data is carried out in accordance with the consent of the subject of Personal Data and in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
Basis for Processing Personal Data
Yulie processes the Customer's Personal Data by fulfilling one or more of the processing bases based on:
  1. Explicit Consent Yulie may process the Customer's Personal Data for certain purposes that have been approved by the Customer or other parties authorized to represent the Customer.
  2. Contractual Obligations Yulie may process the Customer's Personal Data to carry out the obligations of the agreement between the Customer and Yulie or before entering into an agreement with the Customer.
  3. Legal Obligations Yulie processes Customer Personal Data to fulfill legal obligations in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
  4. Legitimate Interests Yulie processes the Customer's Personal Data to fulfill legitimate interests but does not override the Customer's rights as a Personal Data Subject, Yulie still pays attention to the balance between Yulie's interests and the Customer's rights.
  5. Public Interest Yulie processes Customer Personal Data with the aim of carrying out its responsibilities to safeguard the public interest, provide public services, and fulfill Yulie's authority in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
  6. Vital Importance Yulie processes the Customer's Personal Data with the aim of protecting the Customer's vital interests as a Personal Data Subject.
Personal Data Shared With Third Parties
Customer Personal Data may be shared by Yulie to Third Parties who are Yulie's partners or Parties who cooperate with Yulie such as:
  1. Custodian Bank (“Custodian Bank”) and/or Investment Manager who cooperates with Yulie for the purpose of conducting Securities Transactions requested by the Customer;
  2. PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia with the aim of implementing Administrative services in implementing the Know Your Customer Principle;
  3. Bank RDN with the aim of facilitating investment product buying and selling transactions.
  4. The Financial Services Authority (“OJK”) and other authorized agencies that based on the provisions of laws and regulations need Customer information.
Rights of Personal Data Subjects
The Customer as a Personal Data Subject has several Rights that the Customer can use, including:
  1. Right to Information
    The Customer has the right to obtain information regarding the identity of the party requesting the Customer's Personal Data, the purpose of the request, and access to a copy of the Customer's Personal Data, which is in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations and Yulie's policy.
  2. Right to Data Rectification
    The Customer has the right to complete, update, and/or correct any errors and/or inaccuracies in the Customer's Personal Data. Yulie has the right to verify the personal data that Yulie obtains from the Customer. If the Personal Data provided is proven to be false, the Customer will be considered to have violated the Privacy policy resulting in restrictions or even termination of access to the use of the service.
  3. Right to Termination of Processing of Personal Data
    The Customer has the right to terminate the processing, deletion, and/or destruction of the Customer's Personal Data.

    It should be understood that with the termination of the processing of Personal Data, Yulie will no longer be able to provide products, services, and services to the Customer, including resulting in the termination of the services received by the Customer and/or the termination of one or more of the Customer's agreements with Yulie and/or the violation of one or more of the Customer's obligations contained in the Customer's agreement with Yulie.

    Termination of processing, deletion, and/or destruction of Personal Data, the Customer automatically authorizes Yulie to freeze securities accounts and funds, and/or declare that the Customer's debts and/or obligations to Yulie become due and can be collected by Yulie. The Customer needs to understand that all losses arising from the termination of the processing of Personal Data are the responsibility of the Customer.
  4. Right to Withdraw Consent
    The Customer has the right to withdraw the processing of Personal Data that the Customer has provided to Yulie, the Customer also agrees to give Yulie time to terminate the process of processing the Customer's Personal Data. The withdrawal of consent may be considered as the termination of the relationship of any contract or binding by the Customer which has the consequences as in point 3 above.
  5. Right to Object to Automated Processing Results
    The Customer has the right to object to the results of the processing of the Customer's Personal Data which is carried out automatically which causes legal consequences or has a significant impact on the Customer, including profiling.

    The Customer may exercise the Customer's rights by submitting and sending a written request to Yulie through the communication channel listed in “Contact Yulie”.

    The Customer may apply for other rights related to the processing of personal data to the extent that it can be compromised or on the basis of other reasonable considerations of Yulie, if permitted by applicable laws and regulations.
  6. Exception
    The Rights of Personal Data Subjects in Article 15 of the PDP Law are excluded in several ways for:
    1. National defense and security interests;
    2. The importance of the law enforcement process;
    3. Public interest in the context of state administration;
    4. The importance of supervision of the financial services sector. monetary, payment system, and financial system stability carried out in the context of state administration; or
    5. Importance of statistics and scientific research
Retention Period and Processing of Personal Data
Yulie will process the Customer's Personal Data from the time the basis of the processing is obtained. Yulie will process the Customer's Personal Data as long as the Customer is still using products, services, and/or services in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. When the Customer terminates the use of products, services, and/or services, the Customer hereby gives consent to Yulie to be able to retain the Customer's Personal Data for the necessary period of time by referring to the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations or in accordance with the retention or retention period stipulated in the internal policy.

Third parties who cooperate with Yulie may still retain some of the Customer's Personal Data for the purpose of providing the services used by the Customer. For government institutions that obtain Customer Personal Data through Yulie, Customer Data will be stored in accordance with the data retention policy of each institution. Another thing, if a legal process is underway, then Yulie also has a legal obligation to store the Customer's Personal Data.
Cookie Policy
Yulie uses cookies and similar tracking technologies to track activity on the Yulie Services and store certain information. A cookie is a file with a small amount of data that may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to the Client's browser from the website and stored on the Client's device. Tracking technologies that are also used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze the Yulie Services.

You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if the Customer does not accept cookies, the Customer may not be able to use some parts of the Yulie Service.

Yulie uses the following types of cookies:
  1. Session Cookies. We use these cookies to operate our Electronic Systems.
  2. Preference Cookies. We use preference cookies to help us remember how you like your use of our services. Some cookies are used to personalize content and provide Customers with a customized experience. For example, location can be used to provide the Customer with services and offers in the Customer's area.
  3. Security Cookies. We use these cookies for security purposes.
Persons with Disabilities
We carry out the processing of personal data of persons with disabilities specifically through our head office. We process personal data of persons with disabilities by conducting direct and face-to-face communication to obtain consent from persons with disabilities and/or guardians of persons with disabilities in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations through.
How Yulie Protects Customers' Personal Data
Yulie makes its best efforts in security to ensure that Customer Personal Data is under Yulie's supervision and control. Yulie's efforts, including but not limited to restricting access to Personal Data are only granted to legitimate employees and service providers for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. As much as possible Yulie strives to protect Yulie's systems, sites, operations, and information through unauthorized access, use, modification, and disclosure, Yulie certainly guarantees that any information during transmission or storage in the system will be completely safe from interference by other parties, such as hackers. This is because the nature of the internet as a means of global communication is open, so risk factors from other third parties may occur. The Customer as the subject of Personal Data hereby releases Yulie from any liability, demands, and/or lawsuits and/or losses arising from the spread of the Customer's Personal Data caused by the Customer's mistakes and/or negligence in using the internet, and others. This is not part of Yulie's responsibilities and obligations as stipulated in this Privacy Policy, and as long as it does not conflict with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
Contact Yulie
If the Customer has any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or the Customer's Transactions with this site, please contact Yulie via email corsec@yuliesekuritas.com, cs@yuliesekuritas.com or through Yulie Customer Service at +62-21 -20392025, +62-21-25981619, Customers can also visit Yulie's office on the 7th Floor Suite 701, Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung, Kav E.1.2 No. 1&2 East Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Indonesia.

Customer Consent
The Customer as the Subject of Personal Data hereby declares that he has understood and agreed to this Privacy Policy, so the Customer hereby gives permission to Yulie to be able to take actions in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
Yulie reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time, the changes of which will be communicated to the Customer. Customers are expected to review and review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. The information will be adjusted to the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.